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Airworthiness Directives

NOTE - This AD note listing is intended as a guide only and should not be relied upon as conclusive evidence of AD applicability on any particular aircraft. Entire Airworthiness Directives may be accessed at:

Showing Results 1661 - 1680 of 5103 | View All
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AD No. MAKE Condensed description of ad note
99-3-5 Text-Lyc Replace crankshaft gear retaining bolt | O-540-F1B5
99-3-11 Raytheon Modify cabin heat control wiring | Specified 60 Duke
99-27-2 Cessna Check fuel selector valve for defective part number. Replace as specified | Select 170, 172, 175 & 177 models
99-27-16 CFE Engine Company Revised BW 2002-13 | Inspect as specified stage 2 HPT aft cooling plate and rotor disk | Falcoln 2000
99-27-12 Agusta Superseded by 08-24-6
99-26-6 Bombardier Inspect or replace as specified hydraulic tube assemblies in main landing gear bay | CL 600 series
99-26-5 New Piper Replace induction air filter as specified | Various Piper models
99-26-13 Agusta Inspect tail rotor blades with dye penetrant for cracks. Daily visually inspect tail rotor blades as specified. | Agusta A109
99-25-9 Dassault Revise AFM to prohibit intentional flight slower than initial stall warning onset | 50, 900, 2000
99-25-1 Raytheon Visually inspect the P1 pitot pipes for damage or chafing | 125 & 1000
99-24-9 Pilatus Install reinforcement angle bracket on both flap inner attachment fittings | PC-12
99-24-5 Eurocopter Create component card for each tension torsion strap, replace as specified | BO 105 CBS-5
99-24-18 Eurocopter Inspect tail rotor spider plate bearing for rotational torque | AS 350, D, 355
99-24-10 Precise Flight Recurringly inspect push-pull cable vacuum lines and fittings | Model SVS III
99-23-4 Bell Inspect vertical fin fitting and tailboom fitting as specified, verify torque of vertical fin attachment bolts | 222, U
99-23-26 G E Engine Revised 00-4 | Supersedes 99-11-8 | Repair as speciefied main fuel control, replace flange vent groove | CF34 series
99-23-24 Allied Signal Replace resistors in ILS Nav Receiver, replace nameplate on receiver as specified
99-23-23 Bell Inspect and measure each yoke, record as specified | 412
99-23-22 Mode C Xpdr Inspect for data discrepancies as specified | Various manufacturers
99-23-2 Eurocopter Replace each connectral green electrical module not having white dot on face | SA 365

Showing Results 1661 - 1680 of 5103 | View All
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